2015-2016 Race Team

It was a rather short season for us this year. Just two dryland races, and three snow races.
... Kt-2010 (F) (L)
Another year of solid performances from this girl. Hoping to get some pups on the ground soon.
... Rosalie-2012 (F) (L)
Main race leader with speed and drive. Taught Harper the ropes this year.
... Cullen-2012 (M) (L)
The little engine that could. He doesn't like to lead in races so he contributes from the back of the team. Perfect training leader and spends most of his time up there when we are not racing.
... Osprey-2010 (M)
Father: Slice
Mother: Sorry
Pretty sure this dogs wears an invisibility cloak. Always pulling, always error free.
... Harper-2014 (F) (L)
Race leader for the on-snow 2016 season. Lots of talent in this girl.
... Sisu-2011 (F) (L)
A silly clown who gets very serious when the harness comes out.
... Siri-2011 (F) (L)
First year of racing with the kennel. Fun dog to watch run. Raced Tug Hill and St. Luc
... Ezra-2014 (M)
A solid contributor on the team this year. I was looking forward to seeing what he could do in the years to come, but that is not to be.