2005 Junior World Championships Teams

Dogs that raced on the kids teams in 2005
... Svarten-1996 (M) (L)
Svarten ran lead both days on Gracie's 6th place 3-dog team.
... Valentine-2001 (F)
Valentine ran both days in Beth's 2nd place 7-dog team.
... Hart-2001 (F) (L)
Hart ran both days in lead on Gracie's 6th place 3-dog team.
... Desperado-2002 (M) (L)
Desperado raced both days in lead on Beth's 7-dog team, placing 2nd.
... Sheriff-2002 (M)
Sheriff ran both days in Beth's 2nd place 7-dog team.
... Deputy-2002 (M) (L)
Deputy ran lead both days in Beth's 7-dog team, placing 2nd.
... Periwinkle-2001 (F)
Periwinkle ran both days in Beth's 2nd place 7-dog team.