Black Dog - 2004(L)
Doug Swingley
This is a young tough as nails dog that just loves to strain in his harness His Mom and Dad are awesome leaders Every time we hook this guy up …
Peppy - 1993(L)
Doug Swingley
Elmer - 1991(L)
Doug Swingley
Sally Zundel
Flash - 1988
Gareth Wright
Mike Holtz
Rusty - 1977
Gareth Wright
Bill Taylor
Etta - 1999(L)
Doug Swingley
Gunner - 1991
Sandy Saunderson
Victor - 1990
Sandy Saunderson
Tike - 1990
Sandy Saunderson
Mountain Dew - 1996
Doug Swingley
Vicking - 1993
Ross Saunderson
Flash - 1988
Gareth Wright