Teva-2000 (M) (L)
  • Crazy-1999 G. Taylor
  • Patches-1995 (L) . Goettler
  • A. Wemark
  • Generations
    Pedigree 3 4 5
    Picture Pedigree 3 4 5
  • Teva is by far our favorite in the kennel. He has been one of our main leaders from day 1, three years ago. We very nearly ruined him early on, by expecting too much from such a young dog, but thru careful repairing, he has come back strong and is now leading our 8 dog race teams. This dog is very sensitive to his human's emotions, and within 24 hours of a race, he senses something is up, pines in his circle for hours, and won't drink. This is so predictble now it is almost funny. We have done everything to try and hide the fact that a race is emminent, but he knows. In the chute who ever is the luckless person, and having to hold the leaders, spends thier time trying to literally pry his jaws off thier arms and/or the neckline. He loves to race tho, and this year is running most often up front with Mooney.


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