Seven - 2020(L)
M & B Hartum
Fast, male with nice movement. Starting to run lead in training. 
Vail - 2013(L)
T & B Streeper
Billy - 2008
Hardy Schutheis
Ruby - 2004(L)
Egil Ellis
Lika - 2007(L)
T & B Streeper
Lance - 2004(L)
T & B Streeper
Nome - 2005
T & B Streeper
Squall - 2014(L)
J. Redington
Pete - 2006(L)
Kyle - 1999(L)
Arleigh Reynolds
Poker - 2000
Eric Lanser
Agnes - 2006
Joe Redington Jr
Ty - 1997
Joe Redington Jr
Trim - 1998
Joe Redington Jr