Abner - 2016
Jake Golton
60 lb male. Off main team Has raced Cross lake , Copperdog 150 2x and New Hampshire. Very good eater hard driver and tons of speed.
Uncas - 2009(L)
Jack Trottier
Lulu - 2006(L)
RÉAl Turmel
Tim - 2000
Streeper Streeper Kennels
Fleche - 2004(L)
Real Turmel
Shaylee - 2001(L)
Raymond Cook
Raymond Cook
Raymond Cook
Maida - 2010(L)
J Trottier
Gandhi - 2006(L)
R. Ropertz
Lance - 2003(L)
Rudi Ropertz
Rani - 2001(L)
Rudi Ropertz
Holly - 2002(L)
Egil Ellis
Odin - 1994(L)
S. Slettli
Eva - 1994
E. Ellis