Luke (L)-2004 (M) (L)
  • Unknown
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    Pedigree 3 4 5
    Picture Pedigree 3 4 5
  • Luke (L) : 5 year old male single or co- leader. Gee/haw leader. Can hook ANY dog up to him in lead and he'll teach them good manners and commads well. Passes great with no hesitation single or co-leading. Has trained most of my young leaders. His pedigree includes the winning 6-dog Limited North American Team in 1988 and 1990. LukeSkywalker is a CONFIDENT, excited, happy puller who takes charge. He's got tremendous intensity and a brave heart that I truly admire. Needs a musher used to high speed and handling an intensely driven team. This is by NO MEANS a recreational sled dog. Plan on a white knucke ride. He is not "built" physically like a fast dog, but he proves that head overcomes a lot when it comes to racing. When we train he's the guy holding the line out while I hook all the other dogs up to run & is one of my smartest dogs. Once I lost my team on some ice (the hook popped, and Luke ran then to our turnaround point we'd been to once before, then turned the whole team around in single lead and brought then back to the truck. This dog has incredible heart. Luke is best suited for open or 8-dog team leading, which I won't be racing. Would also make a good intermediate level skijoring dog. Luke has been instrumental in the development of our younger dogs. Also a very confident, peaceful alpha leader who loose runs with everyone, even tiny pups. Has ensured my kennel atmosphere is very calm and secure for all the dogs. Very wise dog.

    more pics here: email Christina at :

    $350 to approved home ONLY


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