Litter 1 - 2017
Aaron Campbell
This combination is a line breeding of both the Mike line and the Shaylea line.
Zawa - 2010(L)
Jack Trottier
Louie - 2003
T & B Streeper
Mike - 1994(L)
Egil Ellis
Cory - 1999(L)
Streeper Streeper Kennels
Shaylee - 2001(L)
Raymond Cook
Raymond Cook
Raymond Cook
Borealis - 2013(L)
Jack Trottier
Mike - 1994(L)
Egil Ellis
Hop - 1990(L)
S. Saunderson
Hallon - 1992
Egil Ellis
Shasta - 2008(L)
Jack Trottier
Hook - 2002(L)
Raymond Cook
Shaylee - 2001(L)
Raymond Cook